Ashtottara / 108 Names of Paramahamsa Vishwananda
oṁ mahāvatāra śiṣyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is Mahavatar Babaji’s disciple
oṁ viṣamāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is unequalled
oṁ devakārya samudyatāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has been born for a Divine purpose
oṁ sūkṣma tanave namaḥ
Salutations to He who has a mystical form
oṁ cinmayāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is pure awareness
oṁ guru mūrtaye namaḥ
Salutations to He who is a Divine teacher
oṁ sundarāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is delightful
oṁ sulocanāya namaḥ
Salutations to He whose eyes sparkle with the light
oṁ sumukhāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has a beautiful face and calm repose
oṁ cāru hāsāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has a radiant smile
oṁ keśavāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has beautiful hair
oṁ padmāmbhujāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has lotus-like feet
oṁ manda gamanāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who walks gracefully
oṁ cāruṁbara dhārine namaḥ
Salutations to He who is splendidly attired
oṁ rāmāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has compelling charm
oṁ mandira sthāpakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has established temples
oṁ ṣirḍi bābārcakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who venerates Shirdi Sai Baba
oṁ gāyatrī yajvane namaḥ
Salutations to He who devotedly performs the Gayatri yagna
oṁ arpaṇa svīkārakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who assumes the karmas
oṁ viṣṇu pūjakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who worships Lord Vishnu
oṁ namo nārāyaṇāyeti mantropāsakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who devotedly recites the Om Namo Narayanaya mantra
oṁ svaramayāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who revels in chanting sacred sounds
oṁ madhura kaṇṭhāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has a melodious voice
oṁ kṛṣṇa saṁkīrtana lolupāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is absorbed in the loving chants of Lord Krishna
oṁ stotra priyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who loves Divine hymns of praise
oṁ mita bhāṣine namaḥ
Salutations to He who is a man of few words
oṁ vāgmine namaḥ
Salutations to He who is eloquent
oṁ citrakalā viśāradāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who excels in the art of painting
oṁ vrata dhārāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who keeps his word faithfully
oṁ sādhave namaḥ
Salutations to He who lives righteously
oṁ jagat pānthāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who travels extensively to meet His devotees
oṁ sarva loka hitāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is benevolent
oṁ bhakta priyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He whom the devotees adore
oṁ suhṛdāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is a true friend
oṁ anukūlāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is the well-wisher of His devotees
oṁ neyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is a guide who leads seekers to reality
oṁ sudarśanāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is easily approachable
oṁ bhakta vatsalāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is compassionate to His devotees
oṁ prema mūrtaye namaḥ
Salutations to He who is Love personified
oṁ śubhekṣaṇāya namaḥ
Salutations to He whose gaze evokes a stream of Love in the devotee
oṁ prīti vardhanāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who increases love in the devotees heart
oṁ svasti dāyakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who bestows auspiciousness on sincere devotees
oṁ tārakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who helps devotees cross the ocean of samsara
oṁ anugrahāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who showers Grace on His devotees
oṁ vardhanāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who nourishes His devotees
oṁ arcitāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is worshipful
oṁ arthāya namaḥ
Salutations to He whom devotees worship
oṁ siddhi pradāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who grants success
oṁ janārdanāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who blesses His devotees with joy and peace
oṁ manoharāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who draws the attention of the devotees and grants them love and bliss
oṁ mahākṣāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who perceives the thoughts and feelings in the bosom of His devotees
oṁ siddheśvarāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is endowed with spiritual powers
oṁ bhasma bhūṣitāya namaḥ
Salutations to He whose form shines immaculately in white ashes
oṁ ātma liṅgāya namaḥ
Salutations to He to whom the linga represents Atman the Self
oṁ liṅgārcana protsāhakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who encourages the worship of Lord Shiva in the form of the linga
oṁ siddhi sādhanāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is the secret force which enables the seekers to diligently continue their efforts in spiritual practice
oṁ mādhavāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who helps the seeker in meditation
oṁ oṁkāropāsakāya namaḥ
̣Salutations to He whose chanting of Om resonates through the devotee’s heart
oṁ sūkṣmāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is supremely subtle
oṁ viśokāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is devoid of sorrow
oṁ sāttvikāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is full of tranquillity and peace
oṁ sama darśine namaḥ
Salutations to He who has equal vision
oṁ dakṣāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is alert attentive and vigilant
oṁ acintyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is unfathomable
oṁ nir-ahaṁkārāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has transcended the ego
oṁ nir-mohāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is without delusion
oṁ avyagrāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is undisturbed
oṁ jita krodhāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has conquered anger
oṁ vinaya śīlāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who shows supreme humility
oṁ svavaśāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is the master of His situation
oṁ kuśalāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is skilled in action
oṁ kṣamāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is effective in all His undertakings
oṁ satya dharmāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who practices the true dharmas of kindness, non-injury and charity
oṁ nir-vikalpāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is free from disturbing thoughts
oṁ viraktāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is devoid of attachment
oṁ atindrāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who has transcended the mind
oṁ satya sandhāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is fully integrated
oṁ pavitrāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is pure
oṁ madhura svabhāvāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is affable
oṁ surānandāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who brings happiness to devotees
oṁ nandanāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is free from the limitations of worldly pleasures
oṁ prasannātmane namaḥ
Salutations to He who is an embodiment of bliss
oṁ bhakta nidhaye namaḥ
Salutations to He who is a treasure house to a devotee who can always draw on His kindness
oṁ sākṣaye namaḥ
Salutations to He who witnesses pairs of opposites
oṁ samātmaye namaḥ
Salutations to He who is equally in all and equal to all
oṁ sadā yogine namaḥ
Salutations to He who is ever in yoga, detached from ephemeral and identifying with the eternal
oṁ haraye namaḥ
Salutations to He who destroys false values and inner conflicts
oṁ sutapāya namaḥ
Salutations to He whose tapas grants creative thinking and wonderful sense control
oṁ saumyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is calm
oṁ guhyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is both mysterious and profound
oṁ vimukta-atmāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is free from conditioning of both body, mind and intellect
oṁ gabhīrāya namaḥ
Salutations to He whose wisdom and strength cannot be understood by the human intellect
oṁ guptāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who cannot easily be understood through mere words
oṁ ātma rāmāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who rejoices in the Self
oṁ śrī nivāsāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who abides in those with purified hearts
oṁ devāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is resplendent
oṁ dyutidharāya namaḥ
Salutations to He whose glow of beauty and strength shines
oṁ dhanyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is ever content
oṁ gurave namaḥ
Salutations to He who is the Divine teacher who dispels the darkness of ignorance
oṁ durati kramāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who one finds it difficult to disobey
oṁ gahanāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who is inconceivable
oṁ bhagavate namaḥ
Salutations to He who emanates Divine glory
oṁ hari śaraṇa mārga darśakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who encourages the path of surrender
oṁ kūṭastha jāgartakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who awakens the Divine chakra located between the eyebrows
oṁ abhiprāyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who embraces all religions
oṁ sarvamata samatyāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who preaches equality of all faiths
oṁ kṣamaikatā bhāva vardhakāya namaḥ
Salutations to He who espouses patience and unity
oṁ premāvatāra śrī vishwananda svāmine namaḥ
Salutations to Sri Swami Vishwananda who is Love incarnate!