Ashtottara / 108 Names of Kali
oṁ kālakarṣiṇyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the destroyer of time
oṁ karālyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the tremendously terrific One
oṁ kalyāṇyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the bestower of peace and happiness
oṁ kalāvatyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the possessor of all the 64 arts
oṁ kamalāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who enjoys and is Herself enjoyed
oṁ kamalāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the destroyer of pride in the Kali Yuga
oṁ kapardīśa kṛpānvitāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is kind and devoted to Him (Shiva) with matted hair
oṁ kālikāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the devourer of Him (Shiva) who devours
oṁ kālamātāyai namaḥ
Salutations of Her who is the Mother of time
oṁ kālānala-samadyutyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is brilliant as the fires of the final dissolution
oṁ kapardinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the spouse of Him (Shiva) with matted hair
oṁ karālāsyāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her of formidable countenance
oṁ karuṇāmṛta sāgarāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the ocean of nectar of compassion
oṁ kṛpāmayai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is merciful
oṁ kṛpā-dhārāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is a vessel of mercy
oṁ kṛpā-pārāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her whose mercy is without limit
oṁ kṛpā-gamāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is attainable only by Her mercy
oṁ kṛśānuyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is fire
oṁ kapilāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is of tawny colour
oṁ kṛṣṇāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is of black hue (like Krishna)
oṁ kṛṣṇānanda vivarddhinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who increases the joy and bliss of Krishna
oṁ kālarātryai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the night of darkness
oṁ kāmarūpāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the form of desire
oṁ kāmapāśa vimocanyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the liberator of the bonds of desire
oṁ kādambinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is dark as a bank of nimbus clouds
oṁ kalādhārāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the wearer of the crescent moon
oṁ kalikalmaṣa nāśinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the destructor of sins in the Kali Yuga96
oṁ kumārī pūjana-prītāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is pleased by the worship of virgins
oṁ kumārī pūjakālayāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the refuge of all worshippers of virgins
oṁ kumārī bhojanānandāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is pleased by the feasting of virgins
oṁ kumārī rūpa-dhāriṇyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the form of a virgin
oṁ kadamba vana-sañcārāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who wanders in the Kadamba forest
oṁ kadamba puṣpa-santoṣāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who shows pleasure with the Kadamba flowers
oṁ kadamba vana-vāsinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who lives in the Kadamba forest
oṁ kadamba puṣpa-mālinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who wears a garland of Kadamba flowers
oṁ kiśoryai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is ever youthful
oṁ kalakaṇṭhāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who has a soft voice
oṁ kalanāda ninādinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who has a voice as sweet as the Chakravata bird
oṁ kādambarī pānaratāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who drinks the Kadambari wine
oṁ kādambarī priyāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the pleased imbiber of Kadambari wine
oṁ kapālapātra niratāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her whose eating bowl is a hollow skull
oṁ kaṅkālamālya dhāriṇyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who wears a garland of bones
oṁ kamalāsana santuṣṭāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who expresses happiness with the lotus flower
oṁ kamalāsana vāsinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who sits on the lotus
oṁ kamalālaya madhyasthāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who abides in the centre of the lotus
oṁ kamalāmoda modinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who likes the fragrance of the lotus
oṁ kalahaṁsa gatyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who moves like a swan
oṁ klaibyanāśinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the destroyer of fear
oṁ kāmārūpiṇyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who assumes forms at will
oṁ kāmarūpa kṛtāvāsāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her whose abode is Kamarupa
oṁ kāmapīṭha vilāsinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her whose abode is Kamapitha
oṁ kamanīyāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the beautiful One
oṁ kalpalatāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the creeper who provides every desire
oṁ kamanīya vibhūṣaṇāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her whose beauty is your opponent
oṁ kamanīya guṇārādhyāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the adorable image of all tenderness
oṁ komalāṅgyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who has a tender bod
oṁ kṛśodaryai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who has a slender waist
oṁ kāraṇāmṛta santoṣāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is pleased with the nectar of purified wine97
oṁ kāraṇānanda siddhidāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the giver of success to those who enjoy that wine
oṁ kāraṇānanda jāpeṣṭāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who gives wine-bliss worship
oṁ kāraṇārcana harṣitāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who gives wine-homage delight
oṁ kāraṇārṇava sammagnāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who gives wine-oceanimmersion
oṁ kāraṇāvrata pālinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the protector of those who observe rituals with wine
oṁ kastūrī saurabhāmodāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is gladdened by the scent of musk
oṁ kastūrī tilakojjvalāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is luminous with the musk tilakam on the forehead
oṁ kastūrī pūjanaratāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is attached to those who worship with musk
oṁ kastūrī pūjaka-priyāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who loves those who worship Her with musk
oṁ kastūrī dāhajananyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the Mother of those who burn musk as an incence
oṁ kastūrī mṛgatoṣiṇyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is fond of the musk deer
oṁ kastūrī bhojana-pritāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is pleased to eat musk
oṁ karpūramoda moditāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is gladdened by the sent of camphor
oṁ karpūra mālābharaṇāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is adorned with garlands of camphor
oṁ karpūra candanokṣitāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her whose body is smeared with camphor and sandal paste
oṁ karpūra kāraṇāhlādāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is pleased with purified wine, flavoured with camphor
oṁ karpūrāmṛta pāyinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who drinks wine / nectar flavoured with camphor
oṁ karpūra sāgarasnātāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who bathes in the ocean of camphor
oṁ karpūra sāgarālayāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who has her abode in the ocean of camphor
oṁ kūrca-bīja japa prītāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who likes those who worship with the bija mantra Hum
oṁ kūrca-jāpa parāyaṇāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who threatens with the bija mantra Hum
oṁ kaulikā rādhyāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the embodiment of Kulacara
oṁ kaulika radhyayai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is adored by Kaulikas
oṁ kaulikā priya-kāriṇyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the benefactress of Kaulikas
oṁ kulā-cārāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the observant of Kulacara
oṁ kautukinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the joyous One
oṁ kula-mārga pradarśinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the revealer of the Kaulikas
oṁ kaśīśvaryai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the queen of Kaśi (Benares)
oṁ kāṣṭahartryai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the allayer of suffering
oṁ kāśiśvara dāyinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the giver of blessings to the Lord of Kaśi (Shiva)98
oṁ kāśiśvara kṛtāmodāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who the giver of pleasures to the Lord of Kaśi
oṁ kāśiśvara manoramāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the beloved of the Lord of Kaśi
oṁ kalamañjīra caraṇāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her whose toe bells sound sweet melodies as She moves
oṁ kvaṇat-kāñcī vibhūṣaṇāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her whose girdle bells twinkle sweetly
oṁ kāñcanādri kṛtāgārāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is abiding in a mountain of gold
oṁ kāñcanācala kaumudyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the moonbeam on the mountain of gold
oṁ kāmabīja japānandāyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who gives gladness when the kamabija mantra (klim) is recited
oṁ kāmabīja svarūpiṇyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the embodiment of the mantra klim
oṁ kumatighnyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the destructress of all evil inclinations
oṁ kulīnārtti nāśinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the destructress of the Kula’s afflictions
oṁ kulakāminyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the Lady of Kula
oṁ kālakaṇṭaka ghātinyai namaḥ
Salutations to Her who is the destructress of the fear of death